Allora Pasta Co.

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It’s popsicle season baby! I know it’s not pasta but honestly and how dare I say this…it is way too hot for pasta right now 😫 I found these cute popsicle molds at IKEA and picked up some fresh strawberries so naturally I had to make popsicles. They’re super easy to make and I encourage you to try them! If you don’t have popsicle molds use ice cube trays with a wooden popsicle stick. I’ve already eaten three of these in less than 24 hours. They’re sooo refreshing.

1.5 cup strawberries, washed quartered
1 cup cucumber, washed, peeled and diced
Zest & juice from one Orange
1/2 tablespoon agave, honey or other natural sweetener
Punch of salt
6 large basil leaves, torn

Add all ingredients to a bowl and mix. Let sit for 5 minutes. Take out half and add to a blender. Pulse into a purée. Macerate the other half that is left in the bowl until broken up with chunks of fruit still visible. If you don’t have a blender, macerate all of it by hand (with a masher of some kind, not your actual hand..😂) Add purée to the bowl and mix until evenly combined. Add to your popsicle molds and freeze overnight or 8-12 hours. Enjoy on a warm day!

Ps. Pups and kids alike love these !